Dance Moves: Moves for Earth Blues – 4 shown
Dance moves are always shown in purple to differentiate them from other abilities
Once a dance has successfully begun, a random move from that dance will be chosen each turn at the listed probabilities
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Land Slide 7/16 Magic One Foe 65 100% - - - -
Sonic Boom 6/16 Magic One Foe 5/8 HP 100% Wound - Seizure -
Sun Bath 2/16 Magic All Allies 50 100% - - - -
Whump 1/16 Magic One Foe 53 100% Float - - -
Maps: Earth Blues Terrain – 13 shown
World of Ruin maps cannot be found in the World of Balance; persistent maps are found in both the World of Balance as well as the World of Ruin
The random encounters found on this map; if the encounter list changes at certain points during the game, each list is shown here
The number of treasures found on this map
The dance learned by Mog upon fighting a battle on this map; if this dance is used during a battle here, the dancer has no chance of stumbling; different terrain types on the world map have different dances; plains and wastelands use the Wind Song, forests use the Forest Suite, and deserts use the Desert Aria
The price of the inn found on this map; this inn is not necessarily available at all times
Inn Price
The price of the chocobo rental found on this map; this chocobo rental is not necessarily available at all times
Chocobo Price
Save Point Recovery Spring
Whether it is possible to use Warp on this map
Balance Tusker, 3 Cirpii (5/16)
3 Cirpii (11/16)
2 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance Trilium, Tusker, 2 Cirpii (6/16)
2 Triliums (10/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance Trilium, Tusker, 2 Cirpii (6/16)
2 Triliums (10/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance 3 Mandrakes (5/16)
Mandrake, 2 Insecares (5/16)
2 Abolishers (6/16)
1 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance 3 Mandrakes (5/16)
Mandrake, 2 Insecares (5/16)
2 Abolishers (6/16)
1 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance 3 Mandrakes (5/16)
Mandrake, 2 Insecares (5/16)
2 Abolishers (6/16)
1 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance 3 Mandrakes (5/16)
Mandrake, 2 Insecares (5/16)
2 Abolishers (6/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Ruin Borras, Ursus, Scrapper (5/16)
3 Luridans (5/16)
6 Luridans (6/16)
1 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Ruin Borras (5/16)
6 Luridans (5/16)
2 Punishers, Scrapper (6/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Ruin Borras, Ursus, Scrapper (5/16)
3 Luridans (5/16)
6 Luridans (6/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Ruin Brontaur, Evil Oscar (5/16)
4 Vectaurs (5/16)
GtBehemoth, Evil Oscar, Vectaur (6/16)
8 Earth Blues - - - - Yes
Balance 2 Tuskers (6/16)
Brawler, Trilium, 2 Vaporites (10/16)
- Earth Blues - - - - No
Balance Set 1 (1/4)
2 Behemoths (1/16)
Apokryphos, 2 Misfits (5/16)
2 Ninjas (10/16)
Set 2 (1/4)
2 Ninjas, Wirey Drgn (1/16)
Behemoth (5/16)
2 Brainpans, Misfit, Apokryphos (10/16)
Set 3 (1/4)
3 Apokryphoses (5/16)
3 Wirey Drgns (5/16)
Dragon (6/16)
Set 4 (1/4)
3 Brainpans (5/16)
Apokryphos (5/16)
Behemoth, 2 Misfits (6/16)
Naughty (100%)
6 Earth Blues - - - No